Power Management options:
Do not start the Task when the computer is running on batteries - This option specifies whether a scheduled task is prevented from starting while your computer is running on batteries. Some programs frequently access the hard disk, for example, which drains the batteries faster. You can extend your batteries' life by checking this box.
Wake the computer to start the Task - This, when checked, wakes the computer to run the task at a scheduled time if the computer is in Sleep mode and uses OnNow power management.
When switching to battery mode, all the running Tasks should:
Continue as before - All previously started GrandBackup tasks will continue unaffected.
Suspend - GrandBackup will go in Suspend mode () until you manually switch this mode OFF.
Abort/Stop - All running GrandBackup Tasks will terminate () when your computer switches to battery power.
See also:
Task Properties
Quick Start
GrandBackup is a product of Regall LLC dba ObjectRescue.com.
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